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  • Writer's picturerobert richard

Welcome to 2022 everyone except COVID ( come on already, enough is enough !! ) and Putin ...........

Threatening to start a war now, are you kidding, is dealing with Covid not enough !!! Long live David Attenborough!!! I just saw an episode of 'Green planet', we need to clone this guy! If we all loved and respected nature like he does the world would be a much better place !!

So back to real estate !!! How do I follow a comment about David Attenborough with trivial real estate chit chat. Well we all have to live somewhere right ?? So if we have to live somewhere and we are lucky enough to have a garden lets make these personal green spaces as nature dense and insect laden as possible. I have been developing a medium sized garden over the last 10 years on a rocky mediterranean hillside and doing it all with no chemicals or pesticides aiming to create a small green zone.

My initial goal was to create a haven for birds to nest and so far we have planted 329 cyprus trees and various other shrubs and trees!! Another 150 or so more and the garden eventually, one day should be a haven for local birds. We certainly have insects galore and of course the magnificent iridescent green lizards who feed on them and live in the dry stone walls around the garden.

The earth here is poor and rocky so the plants that thrive are from the mediterranean bush. I have experimented with so many other plants but success has been very limited. So if you are developing a garden in this region you can learn from my mistakes and plant local species of plants which are more likely to thrive and help local insects and birds and animals thrive. I highly recommend 'Pépinière Filippi' garden centre in MEZE 34140 who have an incredible selection of mediterranean plants and they publish their own plant guides as well which are extremely helpful.

I am always sad when I see properties around the region with large unloved gardens but it is also a pleasure to take on these listings and hopefully find a gardener in waiting to rehabilitate these large green spaces. At the moment I have a wonderful property 20 minutes from NARBONNE for under a million euro with a hectare of park around a wonderful 18th century bastide, renovated stable house and ancient chapelle. The property dates back to the 5th century where it started life as a monastery and over the centuries has been updated with three principal buildings now on the property.

Walking around the garden which is partly overgrown there is a full canal system with fountains from the 18th century, little bridges and pathways. Someone, once created a magnificent garden here and as there are multiple wells this could be brought back to life by someone with enough passion and enthusiasm and of course ..... it will cost some money. Incredibly we did manage to turn on one of the fountains and it worked!! If you know of anyone looking for an estate to rehabilitate with around 1,6000,000 euro to spend including building renovation and rehabilitation of the garden please let me know! Maybe this is you ????? This estate has huge potential in a wonderful location and would be a true jewel once restored to its former, former, former glory!! It really is a one off and someone could create a magnificent haven here !

Ok see , that got the real estate agent in me fired up !!! I love that about my job, I get to play a part in the history of these old estates! And hopefully my contribution puts them back on the path to being restored ready to face the next however many centuries !! That's if, you know, we don't destroy the planet and it all goes up in literal flames ! If we all try and just be a little David Attenborough..ish maybe we can reverse the current trajectory of the planet and create a green revolution !! It starts with you and I so lets do it .... Let's all have a wonderful, green, hopeful and happy 2022 !! Robert

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