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  • Writer's picturerobert richard

Gaining the maximum price possible for your property.

Yes! Every aspect of how your your property is presented to the market matters and it can make a huge difference to the eventual sales price.

Firstly if you are serious about selling in France before you go to the market you need to have all the diagnostics mandated by law carried out on your property. This includes the energy rating of the home, the position of the home in relation to flooding and possible pollution sites and the presence or not of termites (which if found will need to be treated by a qualified professional before marketing begins). The diagnostics also cover the presence of asbestos, if the electrics are up to current standards and if there is lead paint present on the property. If you a swimming pool then pool security will also be covered by the report. With the diagnostics report in hand buyers can make an offer with confidence knowing that they are making an informed decision.

Now start thinking about the presentation of your property. If there is clutter you have meant to dispose of for the last few years, seize the moment and do it now. Rooms need to feel spacious and UNCLUTTERED so start uncluttering! Get some cartons and start filling them up! If you have a collection of ceramic cats then this is the moment to get them boxed up and out of the way! Boxing up personal items helps neutralize the space giving buyers the opportunity to see themselves living in your home! Do the same on the exterior, around the garden, get things tidied, lawns mowed, trees trimmed and things looking as smart as possible. This is one of the most important steps to maximising the sell price of your property. If buyers perceive your property as appealing and they can see themselves putting their personal stamp on your property AND it is ready to move into today, they may very well decide to do just that ! Clutter and too many personal items are off putting!

Choosing your real estate agent!! This is an important decision because this person is going to be representing your property in the marketplace. If you want maximum euros then your agent needs to reflect the property they are selling. Are they smartly dressed, personable, knowledgeable? Put yourself in a buyers shoes ? Would you enjoy meeting this person if you were a buyer looking for a property ? Ask your agent who his clients are, are they french, european, international? Where will your property be advertised ? Whatever price band your property is in make sure your agent has experience in that part of the marketplace. Don't be afraid to ask what similar properties the agent has sold in your area ? Experience and a proven track record give you the best chance to obtain a maximum price.

The marketing of your home is super important. What websites will the agent use to promote your property to potential buyers and what social media presence do they have! Online enquiries account for the largest majority of buyers today. The days of buyers going to a physical agency are almost over so online presence is everything. Top agents will also have broad networks that encompass other agents in the region who specialise in the same market secteur. For instance I work with a selection of other top agents who let me know when they have something exceptional on their books that might appeal to one of my clients and vise versa which often results in sales being achieved quickly and efficiently.

To gain the maximum possible for your property is also about strategy! STRATEGY STRATEGY STRATEGY Everyone wants what they cant have, right ? So make it elusive ! A small snapshot of something is sometimes more appealing than laying everything out on the table. A small 'apercu ' as we say in french! The property image that makes you want to discover more. What is just out of shot, what is around that corner! Something should always be left as THE surprise ! What is the strategy for the property tour, where does it start and where will you be standing when the tour is finished and the buyers want to chat. It should be somewhere with the best view or the best of something ! I have been with other agents on tours and they start talking with a view of a toilet behind them. Come on!! Nothing can be lazy or casual and NOTHING 'just happens'. Planning makes for perfect !! If your agent can't control their buyers they can't control the price !

Finally... passion! Yes PASSION ! You can't buy it and you can't fabricate it !! It is either there, or it's NOT ! If your agent isn't PASSIONATE about real estate, architecture, interiors then you have not found the right person to market your property. Natural enthusiasm for your property is going to be passed on to buyers and this is one of the biggest sales tools available ! Your agents PASSION for YOUR property will build up the sales price ! The market IS the market and your agents job is to extract the maximum price possible for you from this marketplace. They should be up to the challenge !

If you would like more tips on how to maximise the sales price for your property speak to me directly, I am always happy to help you benefit from my many years of experience !

Happy selling !

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